
Trails is a collection of journal entries turned into songs over the past two years. From weddings to funerals and new friends to friends lost, Trails winds through my journey of both my undoing and also my healing. Thanks for listening and allowing me to share my art with you.


Releasing January 7th , 2022

Music for a cause

Back in 2010, I met Andrew Hansen in Southern Spain. Andrew was working to spread the Message of MATTOO (Men Against the Trafficking of Others.) I was so inspired by his vision and mission to end human tracking I partnered with MATTOO to write an anthem for their cause. Humbled to be a part of such a great cause.


I am a Mattoo
Released April 30th, 2012

Rooted Deep

Rooted Deep came from a place of traveling the world and seeing the joy and the pain. My journey at that time all came down to the song Cloud. A journey of what it means to follow and believe.


In rememberance

This song is a tribute to World Racer Anastasia Sloan and her heart to bring love and hope to the world. She spent her life going on multiple mission trips to Australia and Canada where her love for God's people was evident. In May 2014, she had been preparing for an 11 month mission trip around the world called The World Race. In her blog, she details how she wanted to imitate Christ and was called to learn to love and to give love just as Christ did for her.

Christ called her home on the night of May 5th, 2014. Her work was complete.

She will most be remembered for her infectious smile, witty humor, being a good friend to others, and loving everyone she came in counter with.